Chat: Oliver & Sarah
PiFactor5: JesusNut2216: I love that song!!
PiFactor5: let's all climb the beaver tree!!
Luckyflt03: yeah, ok, so sing to her
Luckyflt03: have fun
PiFactor5: hehehe =)
PiFactor5: beaver 8, beaver 9!!!...
PiFactor5: STOP!
PiFactor5: it's beaver time!!!!!!
PiFactor5: hehehehhehehehee
PiFactor5: Old McDonald had a farm.........
PiFactor5: e i e i o!
PiFactor5: hehe...
Luckyflt03: and on this farm he had a DUCK
Luckyflt03: :)
PiFactor5: hmmmmmmm
PiFactor5: =)
Luckyflt03: what? now you STOP singing? What's with that?
PiFactor5: lol, I forgot the rest of the song...
Luckyflt03: lol
PiFactor5: Amanda left after I sang the song to her...
PiFactor5: and Sarah warned me...
JesusNut2216: lol
JesusNut2216: I love the Beaver song!
JesusNut2216: you can sing it to me any time you get the urge to
PiFactor5: hehehhe, ok =)
Luckyflt03: eieio.... with a quack quack here
Luckyflt03: and a quack quack there
Luckyflt03: here a quack
Luckyflt03: there a quack
Luckyflt03: everywhere a quack quack
PiFactor5: ooooooooohhh...
Luckyflt03: Old McDonald had a farm eieio
Luckyflt03: new verse :)
PiFactor5: that song no fun
PiFactor5: Beaver more fun
Luckyflt03: WAAAAH
PiFactor5: Beaver 1 beaver all!!!
Luckyflt03: ur insulting Old McDonald!
Luckyflt03: NOOOOOO
PiFactor5: CH CH CH CH CHC HC!
Luckyflt03: go do that friggin call to someone else
Luckyflt03: her name's Jennifer....
Luckyflt03: :)
PiFactor5: BEAVER 2, BEAVER 3!!!
Luckyflt03: shut up....
PiFactor5: YEAAHH!!!
PiFactor5: BEAVER 4, BEAVER 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PiFactor5: BEAVER 6, BEAVER 7!!!
Luckyflt03: hehe
PiFactor5: BEAVER 8, BEAVER 9...
PiFactor5: STOPPPPPP!!!!!
PiFactor5: IT'S BEAVER TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PiFactor5: hehehehe =)
PiFactor5: May the force be with you, Sarah
Luckyflt03: um...... ok....
Luckyflt03: Olivia said u are laughing
Luckyflt03: what a weirdo
PiFactor5: I am =)
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: I come in peace.
Luckyflt03: I don't
Luckyflt03: if I could warn you, I would
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: I know =)
PiFactor5: Take me to your leader.
PiFactor5: Do you have any coffee?
Luckyflt03: uh..... my mom's upstairs :)
Luckyflt03: in the kitchen
PiFactor5: ooooOOOooooOOoooooooohhh
PiFactor5: You saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.
PiFactor5: Luke... I am your fatha!!!!!!
PiFactor5: OoooooooooOOOooooOooohhhh
Luckyflt03: My name's not Lukey
Luckyflt03: lol, oops
Luckyflt03: it's not Lukey either...
PiFactor5: You saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.
Luckyflt03: ok. ur welcome..
Luckyflt03: you owe me then!!!!
PiFactor5: You saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.
PiFactor5: He's dead, Jim
Luckyflt03: ETERNALLY!! That means you owe me forEVER
Luckyflt03: my name's not Jim
Luckyflt03: who's dead?
PiFactor5: I am pork boy, the breakfast monkey.
PiFactor5: I sense a great disturbance in the force.
Luckyflt03: lol.... quotes... requested by your dear sister
PiFactor5: Here's looking at you, kid
PiFactor5: Go ahead. Make my day.
Luckyflt03: um, thanks?
Luckyflt03: Ok!
PiFactor5: You talkin' to me?
Luckyflt03: no :)
PiFactor5: Up your nose with a rubber hose!
Luckyflt03: ewww owie!
PiFactor5: Dave, my mind is going! I can feel it! I can feel it!
Luckyflt03: what's that from...?
PiFactor5: 2001: A Space Odyssey
Luckyflt03: oh.. big surprise...
PiFactor5: My name is Inego Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Luckyflt03: I didn't kill your dad :)
PiFactor5: Do or do not; there is no try.
PiFactor5: Hey, baby, I noticed you have braces. I have braces too.
PiFactor5: lol
Luckyflt03: baby?
PiFactor5: Everbody was kung-fu fighting
Luckyflt03: and no, I don't...
Luckyflt03: I wasn't
PiFactor5: hehehe.e...
PiFactor5: Captain, it is I, Ensign Pulver, and I just threw your stinking palm tree
Luckyflt03: that's nice
PiFactor5: My God -- It's full of stars!
PiFactor5: "Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!"
-Sesame Street
Luckyflt03: uh....
Luckyflt03: watching sesame street lately?
PiFactor5: What you talkin' 'bout, Willis?
Luckyflt03: I'm not Willis
Luckyflt03: that was a coach at CeVMS though
PiFactor5: I see you shiver with antici...pation!
PiFactor5: "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." -Gone With the Wind
Luckyflt03: you see me? AAAAH!
Luckyflt03: lol
PiFactor5: "You talkin' to me?" -Taxi Driver
PiFactor5: already said that, didn't I?...
PiFactor5: hehehe...
Luckyflt03: yeah
Luckyflt03: you did
PiFactor5: ok..... ran out of movie quotes...
Luckyflt03: LOL!
Luckyflt03: I just now have to get off!
Luckyflt03: that's good timing....
PiFactor5: "Mentos. The freshmaker."
PiFactor5: lol
Luckyflt03: because you'll probably start making up things now
PiFactor5: "This is your brain on drugs."
PiFactor5: no, I'm moving onto commercials =)
Luckyflt03: well, darn, I have to go
Luckyflt03: sad to miss that...
Luckyflt03: heh...
PiFactor5: "Pow-pow-power wheels! Power makes it go."
PiFactor5: hehe, bye =)
Luckyflt03: LOL!!
PiFactor5: "Got milk?"
Luckyflt03: I thought it said something about lead the way...
PiFactor5: "Pardon me, do you have any grey poupon?"
Luckyflt03: no :)
Luckyflt03: bye
PiFactor5: "Hotwheels leading the way!"
PiFactor5: hehe, k bye =)
PiFactor5: or was that power....a
PiFactor5: ah well... =)
Luckyflt03: no, I think you got it right
Luckyflt03: k bye
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