Chat: Sarah & Minix & Jennifer
These three chats are all inter-related... so I just put them all in one page... enjoy =)
Chat: Minix & Sarah:
Luckyflt03: Hey
Minix1f: hey
Luckyflt03: how are you?
Minix1f: ok, and you?
Luckyflt03: oook
Luckyflt03: I want to be happy... I'm all bundled in a blanket and we
have a fire
Minix1f: want to be?
Luckyflt03: but I have two really hard exams tomorrow and I'm looking at
Bs right now
Minix1f: oh =(
Luckyflt03: I procrastinated too long
Minix1f: shame on you
Luckyflt03: =P
Luckyflt03: Well I was teling Olivia
Luckyflt03: I forget that it's more important then a normal test
Luckyflt03: and I studied as much as a regular one
Luckyflt03: but it's soooo much more important :-(
Minix1f: i never study...
Luckyflt03: aaaah shuddup
Minix1f: =) but I never get A's either
Luckyflt03: If I didn't study I'd barely pass anything
Minix1f: yr
Minix1f: blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde
blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde
blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde
blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde
blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde
blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde
blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde blonde
Minix1f: =) sorry had to do that
Luckyflt03: where'd that even come from?
Minix1f: talking to Jennifer about blondes so
Luckyflt03: um.... ok. Tell her I said being a team with her is bringing
me problems. :)
Luckyflt03: then tell her I'm j/k
Minix1f: JesusNut2216: Poophead!!
Luckyflt03: lol
Luckyflt03: =P
Luckyflt03: Tell her I'm serious, it does cause problems, but I'm not
about to give it up. GO TEAM! =)
Minix1f: =)
Minix1f: JesusNut2216: Tell her I dont want to be on her team anymore
if I'm causing her problems!
Luckyflt03: ugh! How rude!
Luckyflt03: I said "go team!"
Luckyflt03: isn't that good enough?
Minix1f: JesusNut2216: really... she thinks thats good enough? i was
Luckyflt03: why offended?
Minix1f: JesusNut2216: because its bringing her problems! and far be
it for me to cause someone else problems!!! #$&@&$
Minix1f: heh, she seems mad...
Minix1f: maybe you should apologize?
Luckyflt03: you took out parts!!!
Minix1f: JesusNut2216: dont blame Matt for you're rudeness!
Luckyflt03: I'm not!! He left out parts!
Minix1f: JesusNut2216: so? it was still a mean thing to say
Minix1f: JesusNut2216: You Picklehead!!
Luckyflt03: A picklehead?? That's bad!! Meanie! I'm not a picklehead!
Minix1f: JesusNut2216: Tell her, yes she is, and I'm through talking to
Luckyflt03: HEY! She was talking to you!
Luckyflt03: UR MAKING THAT UP!
Luckyflt03: She said that was TO YOU!
Luckyflt03: Busted Matt!
Minix1f: JesusNut2216: This is fun, she's so gullible
Minix1f: see?!
Minix1f: its not me!
Luckyflt03: SHUT UP!!! That's not her!!!!
Minix1f: well...doh
Minix1f: ok, we were playing a joke on you butt
Minix1f: doh..
Minix1f: but, we're done now
Luckyflt03: She didn't do it
Luckyflt03: I'm talking to her too you know
Minix1f: eh, yeah she did
Luckyflt03: JesusNut2216: no! I haven't said
anything to him since "Picklehead!!"
Luckyflt03: LOL
Minix1f: she doesn't think you did anything! What are you
telling her!?!?
JesusNut2216: Nothing...
Luckyflt03: STOP IT MATT!
Luckyflt03: Meanie head
Minix1f: Oliverweb quality, for sure =)
Luckyflt03: oh yes, but you must put BOTH ON!!!
Minix1f: yep =)
Luckyflt03: Because ours proves you an idiot!
Minix1f: nope =) you're both falling for it, proves you both blondes!
[Minix decided to cut off the conversation.... here's the rest from Sarah's chat log:]
Luckyflt03 (9:55:37 PM): UGH! She was in on it
Luckyflt03 (9:55:40 PM): she just told me
Luckyflt03 (9:55:51 PM): You didn't trick her... what are you talking
Luckyflt03 (9:56:39 PM): Luckyflt03 (9:56:06 PM): he said he's tricking
both of us
JesusNut2216 (9:56:19 PM): huh?
JesusNut2216 (9:56:25 PM): me too...I'm confused...
Luckyflt03 (9:56:27 PM): yeah....
Luckyflt03 (9:56:31 PM): I think he's making it up
Minix1f (9:57:31 PM): lol =) once you read both you'll get it
Luckyflt03 (9:57:39 PM): I get it now
Luckyflt03 (9:57:43 PM): ur such a jerk!
Luckyflt03 (9:57:50 PM): Not really... but you ARE a poophead
Minix1f (9:58:02 PM): hehe =)
Luckyflt03 (9:58:31 PM): It's ok, you didn't disturb our team. We're
still cheering :)
Minix1f (9:58:39 PM): lol, Oliver found it most amusing
Luckyflt03 (9:59:03 PM): ugh.... he's not seeing ours
Luckyflt03 (9:59:12 PM): tell him he's only seeing your half of it so
he's seeing BS
Minix1f (9:59:13 PM):
Minix1f: read email quick quick
PiFactor5: LOL
PiFactor5: hahahahahahahahhahahaha
PiFactor5: this IS hilarious!
Minix1f (9:59:18 PM):
Minix1f: good good =)
PiFactor5: I'll put it up tomorrow
Luckyflt03 (9:59:54 PM): I don't care....
Luckyflt03 (9:59:58 PM): You still haven't seen half of it
Minix1f (10:00:02 PM): i know
Luckyflt03 (10:00:03 PM): so you don't have much to laugh about
Minix1f (10:00:16 PM): im sorry,
Minix1f (10:00:26 PM): i dont think you really know what i did
Minix1f (10:00:31 PM): besides bs
Minix1f (10:00:34 PM): which is a give in
Luckyflt03 (10:00:47 PM): yeah, since you do it like every FRIGGIN
Minix1f (10:00:57 PM): no I sleep too
Luckyflt03 (10:01:26 PM): shut up
Minix1f (10:01:29 PM): im sorry
Luckyflt03 (10:01:32 PM): ur such a morn
Luckyflt03 (10:01:34 PM): moron
Luckyflt03 (10:01:34 PM): lol
Minix1f (10:01:38 PM): i know
Luckyflt03 (10:02:36 PM): hey, we need to put time stamp on all of these
Luckyflt03 (10:02:43 PM): so when they are read on pj
Luckyflt03 (10:02:46 PM): they make sense
Minix1f (10:02:48 PM): ugh, that was a stupid thing for me to do. i'm
Minix1f (10:02:51 PM): yeah, i know...
Luckyflt03 (10:02:56 PM): nah... I'm not mad....
Minix1f (10:03:02 PM): promise?
Luckyflt03 (10:03:06 PM): I'll get revenge one day, don't worry
Minix1f (10:03:25 PM): lol, i'll look forward to it...sorta
Luckyflt03 (10:03:41 PM): oh trust me, you won't
Minix1f (10:04:04 PM): no, I will look forward to it, I just wont enjoy
it afterwards
Luckyflt03 (10:04:19 PM): Oh, ok! =)
Minix1f (10:04:38 PM): sorry sorry sorry
Luckyflt03 (10:04:58 PM): for what?
Minix1f (10:05:05 PM): the joke..
Luckyflt03 (10:05:10 PM): I told you, I'm not mad
Luckyflt03 (10:05:12 PM): :)
Minix1f (10:05:25 PM): ok...
Minix1f (10:06:05 PM): well, I gtg, have a goodnight
Luckyflt03 (10:06:20 PM): ok, bye
Chat: Minix & Jennifer:
JesusNut2216: Hiya!!
Minix1f: hi
JesusNut2216: how are you?
Minix1f: ok, und du?
JesusNut2216: again you're just ok? why? why? why? why? why? why? why?
JesusNut2216: I'm doing great!
Minix1f: lol, long stupid story
Minix1f: thats good =)
JesusNut2216: oh....well I sorry :o)
JesusNut2216: I'm just happy that tomorrow I only have one (very very
easy) exam
Minix1f: me too
JesusNut2216: what do you have?
Minix1f: english
JesusNut2216: oh, I had that was actually harder than I thought
Minix1f: that stinks
JesusNut2216: yeah...wasn't too hard...just harder than I expected
Minix1f: ah ok
JesusNut2216: yeah...anyhoo...
Minix1f: sorry
JesusNut2216: I'll let that one slide cause I said it earlier :o)
Minix1f: ah! you did!
JesusNut2216: hehe
JesusNut2216: yep, I did
Minix1f: tsk tsk
JesusNut2216: s****!
Minix1f: uh huh, im sure you are...
JesusNut2216: lol
Minix1f: only writing one letter of the word...
JesusNut2216: well..I didn't say it did I?
Minix1f: should have atleast granted me a sorr*
JesusNut2216: sorr*
JesusNut2216: is that better?
Minix1f: too late
JesusNut2216: I'm sorr*!! Can I ever be forgiven?!?!?
Minix1f: maybe
JesusNut2216: *sniff sniff*
Minix1f: beg
JesusNut2216: beg?
Minix1f: yup
JesusNut2216: Jennifer Sisk does not beg!
Minix1f: for forgiveness
Minix1f: meanie
JesusNut2216: :o)
JesusNut2216: I could eat all your cookies if you don't be careful....
Minix1f: =) ok, you're forgiven!
JesusNut2216: hehe :o)
JesusNut2216: I HAVE THE POWAR!!
Minix1f: good spelling too
Minix1f: =)
JesusNut2216: was for "effects"
Minix1f: ooooh =)
Minix1f: i see...
JesusNut2216: lol
Minix1f: (blonde)
JesusNut2216: hey!!
Minix1f: i read you're little blonde conversation...
JesusNut2216: with Sarah?
Minix1f: yep
Minix1f: stupid stupid =)
Minix1f: the conversation that is...
JesusNut2216: it was fun!!
Minix1f: uh huh...
Minix1f: Luckyflt03: um.... ok. Tell her I said being a team with her is
bringing me problems. :)
JesusNut2216: Poophead!!
Minix1f: Luckyflt03: Tell her I'm serious, it does cause problems, I'm
about to give it up.
JesusNut2216: really...
Minix1f: Luckyflt03: I havent yet! isn't that good enough?
JesusNut2216: seems that you're not delivering ALL of you and
Sarah's conversation...
Minix1f: hehe =) and I'm delivering more of the conversation i'm having
with you to her than really exists =) so?
JesusNut2216: You Picklehead!!
Minix1f: she doesn't think you did anything! What are you telling
JesusNut2216: I'm telling her the truth!!
JesusNut2216: question is...what are you telling her?
Minix1f: yeah right...
Minix1f: lets just say, its Oliverweb quality for sure
JesusNut2216: are you calling me a liar?
Minix1f: nope =)
JesusNut2216: uh huh...sure ya aren't...
Minix1f: lol!
Minix1f: thank you =)
Chat: Sarah & Jennifer:
JesusNut2216 (9:47:05 PM): Are you talking to Matt about us being a
Luckyflt03 (9:47:09 PM): lol :)
Luckyflt03 (9:47:21 PM): yeah, but he's telling you everything I'm
Luckyflt03 (9:47:24 PM): so calm down
Luckyflt03 (9:47:25 PM): ha
JesusNut2216 (9:47:34 PM): yeah...he is...
Luckyflt03 (9:47:35 PM): I'm saying nice things too!
JesusNut2216 (9:47:55 PM): no...what I'm hearing isn't nice...
Luckyflt03 (9:48:07 PM): what's he saying? He's probably making it
JesusNut2216 (9:48:14 PM): hold on...
JesusNut2216 (9:48:48 PM): Minix1F:
Luckyflt03: um.... ok. Tell her I
said being a team with her is bringing me problems. :)
JesusNut2216: Poophead!!
JesusNut2216 (9:49:13 PM): Minix1F:
Luckyflt03: Tell her I'm
serious, it does cause problems, I'm about to give it up.
JesusNut2216: really...
Luckyflt03 (9:49:19 PM): but then I said I wouldn't give it up for
Luckyflt03 (9:49:22 PM): sheesh
JesusNut2216 (9:49:25 PM):
JesusNut2216: really...
Luckyflt03: I havent yet! isn't that good enough?
JesusNut2216 (9:49:36 PM): that's all he's said so far....Poop! my font
Luckyflt03 (9:50:01 PM): ugh.... that's not what I said
JesusNut2216 (9:50:07 PM): oh...
JesusNut2216 (9:50:21 PM): well...
Luckyflt03 (9:50:25 PM):
Luckyflt03 (9:46:31 PM): ugh! How rude!
Luckyflt03 (9:46:39 PM): I said "go team!"
Luckyflt03 (9:46:42 PM): isn't that good enough?
Luckyflt03 (9:50:32 PM): he left out stuff...
JesusNut2216 (9:50:45 PM): oh...
Luckyflt03 (9:51:06 PM): and you're giving him what he wants!
Luckyflt03 (9:51:09 PM): ur getting mad!
JesusNut2216 (9:51:22 PM): I am?
JesusNut2216 (9:51:30 PM): I'm giving him what he wants?
Luckyflt03 (9:51:32 PM): Picklehead???
Luckyflt03 (9:51:35 PM): I am not!
JesusNut2216 (9:51:45 PM): I didn't say you were...
Luckyflt03 (9:51:49 PM): LOL!
JesusNut2216 (9:51:50 PM): I was talking about him
JesusNut2216 (9:51:55 PM): lol...
JesusNut2216 (9:52:03 PM): and how am I giving him.."what he wants"?
Luckyflt03 (9:52:32 PM): lol, nm
Luckyflt03 (9:52:37 PM): he's making up what you are saying to me
JesusNut2216 (9:52:40 PM): umm...ok...
Luckyflt03 (9:52:42 PM): ur not seeing what I am
JesusNut2216 (9:52:44 PM): oh...
JesusNut2216 (9:52:54 PM): he's not showing me any more of what you
Luckyflt03 (9:53:08 PM): Did you just call me gullible?
JesusNut2216 (9:53:26 PM): no! I haven't said anything to him since
Luckyflt03 (9:53:32 PM): LOL
Luckyflt03 (9:53:54 PM):
Luckyflt03 (9:53:22 PM): She didn't do it
Luckyflt03 (9:53:25 PM): I'm talking to her too you know
Minix1F (9:53:28 PM): eh, yeah she did
JesusNut2216 (9:54:25 PM): he's being a poophead...
Luckyflt03 (9:54:38 PM): I know.... or are you in on his little joke?
Luckyflt03 (9:55:19 PM): HELLO?
JesusNut2216 (9:55:19 PM): yeah...I am
JesusNut2216 (9:55:23 PM): sorry!
JesusNut2216 (9:55:24 PM): sorry!
Luckyflt03 (9:55:25 PM): what??
Luckyflt03 (9:55:28 PM): YOU W*$U%^(*$WU^%*$W^&
Luckyflt03 (9:55:55 PM): I'm so confused now
Luckyflt03 (9:56:06 PM): he said he's tricking both of us
JesusNut2216 (9:56:19 PM): huh?
JesusNut2216 (9:56:25 PM): me too...I'm confused...
Luckyflt03 (9:56:27 PM): yeah....
Luckyflt03 (9:56:31 PM): I think he's making it up
JesusNut2216 (9:57:20 PM): yeah...he is...especially what's from me..I
just told him he's a picklehead...
JesusNut2216 (9:57:28 PM): and I made it clear that I was talking to
him..not you
Luckyflt03 (9:57:32 PM): what a jerk
Luckyflt03 (9:57:59 PM): It's ok jennifer, GO TEAM!
JesusNut2216 (9:58:02 PM): picklehead is the word...(for me anyways)
JesusNut2216 (9:58:08 PM): lol!! Go TEAM!!!
Luckyflt03 (9:58:19 PM): YAY!
JesusNut2216 (9:58:31 PM): Team Spirit!! WOOO!!
Luckyflt03 (9:58:36 PM): WOOO HOOOO!
Luckyflt03 (9:58:37 PM): GO US!
JesusNut2216 (9:58:53 PM): Hehe...we rule
Luckyflt03 (10:01:03 PM): Ok, anyway, since this is obviously going on
Luckyflt03 (10:01:05 PM): let's take time
Luckyflt03 (10:01:15 PM): to talk about those stupid jerks behind their
JesusNut2216 (10:01:31 PM): oh, alright!
Luckyflt03 (10:01:39 PM): :)
Luckyflt03 (10:01:45 PM): that didn't take much persuading
JesusNut2216 (10:01:49 PM): :o)
JesusNut2216 (10:01:52 PM): hehe...I know...
Luckyflt03 (10:01:56 PM): ugh... he just admitted he's a moron
JesusNut2216 (10:02:04 PM): Matt?
JesusNut2216 (10:02:07 PM): funny...
Luckyflt03 (10:02:08 PM): yup
Luckyflt03 (10:02:23 PM): and he thinks he's so smart for "fooling"
us.... it's not like it caused anything in the end
JesusNut2216 (10:02:36 PM): lol..I know...
Luckyflt03 (10:03:22 PM): and Oliver's like "AHAHHAHA! That's soooo
Luckyflt03 (10:03:27 PM): Because Matt sent him those chats
Luckyflt03 (10:03:31 PM): I bet he's laughing like Goofy
JesusNut2216 (10:03:49 PM): lol!!
Luckyflt03 (10:03:55 PM): what a nerd
JesusNut2216 (10:03:56 PM): his Goofy laugh...that's funny...
Luckyflt03 (10:04:09 PM): did you hear him? After you slammed the door?
JesusNut2216 (10:04:27 PM): not him...just both of them together...
Luckyflt03 (10:04:43 PM): oh, oook
Luckyflt03 (10:04:52 PM): well I heard Oliver... he wouldn't shut up
Luckyflt03 (10:05:47 PM): anyway... your turn to cut them down
Luckyflt03 (10:05:49 PM): go for it
JesusNut2216 (10:05:59 PM): umm...
JesusNut2216 (10:06:06 PM): I don't know what to say..
Luckyflt03 (10:06:08 PM): lol
Luckyflt03 (10:06:13 PM): Ok, I'm the smarter half of the team here
JesusNut2216 (10:06:49 PM): well then!!
Luckyflt03 (10:07:07 PM): ok.... I"m j/k
Luckyflt03 (10:07:15 PM): sort of...
Luckyflt03 (10:07:21 PM): I'm just the less blonde half
JesusNut2216 (10:07:32 PM): a rose on your nose
Luckyflt03 (10:07:38 PM): OW!
Luckyflt03 (10:07:43 PM): that'd hurt...
Luckyflt03 (10:07:48 PM): I don't want pins in my face
JesusNut2216 (10:07:48 PM): lol
Luckyflt03 (10:07:57 PM): you can try it though, if you really want to
JesusNut2216 (10:08:09 PM):'s ok
Luckyflt03 (10:08:13 PM): Ok, well......... anyway.. people reading
this.. I guess Matt won... whatever he did
Luckyflt03 (10:08:18 PM): but I will get REVENGE
Luckyflt03 (10:08:19 PM): BWAHAHAHAH
JesusNut2216 (10:08:26 PM): lol...
Luckyflt03 (10:08:31 PM): I will.... trust me
Luckyflt03 (10:08:35 PM): he thinks I'm mad at him
Luckyflt03 (10:08:37 PM): I'm not MAD
JesusNut2216 (10:08:38 PM): lol..ok...
JesusNut2216 (10:08:48 PM): I'm irritated..that's all
Luckyflt03 (10:08:53 PM): I'm just..................... yeah, irritated
Luckyflt03 (10:08:56 PM): and seeking revenge
Luckyflt03 (10:09:07 PM): for everything... Suzy's zoo, gummy butts,
this, etc.
Luckyflt03 (10:09:13 PM): And all of his BS
Luckyflt03 (10:09:23 PM): I know a couple of people that will definitely
help me :)
JesusNut2216 (10:09:35 PM): lol...hehe
Luckyflt03 (10:09:57 PM): coughcoughhello?coughcough
Luckyflt03 (10:10:04 PM): lol
JesusNut2216 (10:10:07 PM): oh, you want me to help?
Luckyflt03 (10:10:11 PM): DUH
Luckyflt03 (10:10:17 PM): you and Olivia
JesusNut2216 (10:10:19 PM): well..sorry!
Luckyflt03 (10:10:23 PM): and other secret weapons
Luckyflt03 (10:10:29 PM): that I'm not telling
JesusNut2216 (10:10:30 PM): I'll try to help...but I'm not real good at
this kind of thing...
Luckyflt03 (10:10:34 PM): I noticed
Luckyflt03 (10:10:40 PM): "Uh.... I dunno what to say"
JesusNut2216 (10:11:09 PM): huh?
Luckyflt03 (10:11:17 PM): you said it
JesusNut2216 (10:11:27 PM): oh yeah!
JesusNut2216 (10:11:35 PM): oh, ok...I'm with ya now
Luckyflt03 (10:11:50 PM): yeah.... *sigh*
Luckyflt03 (10:11:52 PM): well I gtg
Back to Ch@ts!