(2000 /
Just Stuff
withluv01 (Maybe it should be withluv05 since that's
my next graduation date)
Smiley Version:
talking on the phone..anyone who doesn't know that
already doesn't really know me! otherwise, i picked piano back
If you love someone, tell them. They might break your
heart but if you don't tell them, you might break theirs.
Well that's the first that popped into my head.
School Subject:
I have no idea...i hate all subjects!!! well i like
health classes and if you don't know that already, then you
don't really know me do you?
Cartoon Character:
I don't feel like answering this question today
Comic Character:
Ziggy. He has a big nose, small eyes, no ears, no
hair,4 fingers and lots and lots of pets! my kind of man!
Purple. Anyone who doesn't know that doesn't really
know me!
Lasagna....i'm such a picky eater. Don't anyone ever
dare to make me eat a tomatoe
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn..i don't even rememeber what
it's about but i liked it when i read it
Since the last movie is the only movie i really
remember, it's Shrek rite now...He's gross, green, and he
smells. My kind of man. I like My Best friend's Wedding even
though I haven't seen it once all the way through.
Board/Non-electronic Game:
Guess who...but i've only played it once in my life.
I like....Life!
Electronic Game:
Final Fantasy VIII... cuz of Rinoa and Squall. They
are so cute!
Type of Music:
R&B..anyone who doesnt' know that doesn't know who
the heck i am.
Never had a Dream Come True. If you know WHY, then you
REALLY know me WELL!!!!
Feeling: Eh, that can feel bad. HOPE? yeah...hope
for a great feeling. no wait..HUGS!!! Come gimme
a hug!
like smell or something? Sight..that is like the most
important sense.
Dogs, cats, squirrels, how can you possibly ask me
TV Show:
Friends..though i never watch it.
How can you possibly ask me this?? 8th grade, some
band memories, prom of course..something i'll never be able to
replace or erase, not to
mention the 8th grade dance. Project graduation wasn't too bad
either. If i must narrow it down to one...oh i can't do it!
Other Stuff
Overly-used word, phrase, or whatever:
l"Like", "ya know", "aww
that'socute!", "CALLME!"
Funniest Moment:
You just had to be here for this, but I was trying to
touch my toes and i'm VERY inflexible for a girl. So Van who's
mister Martial arts pretzel says "Can you put your balls
on the floor?" and he said balls though he claims he said
palms. I wasn't the only one who misheard. Anyhoo, it was a
good laugh. Thanks Van.
Pet peeve(s):
Cars that have their music up too loud and drive by
with that boom...makes me want to run away and hide. Obnoxious
people. People who can't keep in touch. People who try to push
things. Adults who think they know what we're going through
and tell us it's nothing. C'mon we're a whole new generation
and everything is totally different now... People who don't
flush. Bathrooms that don't have that nice sanitary sheet.
Having to pee so much (yes i hate myself for that). Being
hungry and people not giving me food..hehe.. (yeah i know i
should provide my own). Getting cold and my stupid
vasoconstriction problem. Evil women. Radio playing those same
songs over and over and over like Janet Jackson,
Survivor, Uncle something i don't care. And Mom being too
Ohh great is this really necessary? I'm just a
sugar-coated evil mass of men-hatred. You may THINK i care but
all i do is make up lame excuses that may seem quite valid but
then i back-stab
and go back on my words and promises. I drown my friends with
my whinning and complaining about how I've been hurt and
crushed and betrayed. Hey
what goes around comes around!! Now let's see who really knows
Smiles, Nance, Nans, Dummy, Wongz, Nancers, Sis, huney,
baby and so on with those...lovey dovey names.
Things I call Oliver:
Olga, Dee Dee, Oily, Olive (oh did i mention how i
don't like olives?)

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Yet more stuff about... me.
Usually, how messy/clean is your room? (1-10, 10 being most messy):
I say about a 8 but just wait and see when i move
out..i'm going to take just about everything and then my room
will be a 2.3!
Where do you think you'll be in one year?
Be sitting here on my butt doing another survey for
Five years?
Crying that i didn't make it into medical
school..heh..gotta be honest with myself!
Ten years?
i'll be 28. Um woah... FILTHY RICH. Brian is spose to
buy me a
house. I think i mite be married. I'll invite you guys only if
you bring
me HUGE GIFTS! Or i mite be filing for divorce. *gasp* I mite
be lesbian!
What do you want your future to be like?
Happy, very very very happy.
3 Wishes:
awwwww..sniff, you're offering me 3 wishes? ARe you
going to grant them all? I'm so touched! First of all, i want
to be a squirrel. Second of all, i want to learn how to
teleport so just in case i need to be somewhere, say like
Virginia in a split second, i can be there. (I swear is so
pretty..i'm listening to it rite now). Third of all, i
want everyone to be able to be with the person they love...b/c
man it sure sucks to hear people say I miss blah blah I miss
blah blah.
Misc what? I swear by the moon and the stars in the
sky and I
swear like the shadow by your side/The loneliness of nights
alone, the search for strength to carry on, my every hope had
seemed to die, my eyes had no more tears to cry, but like the
sun shinning up above, you sorrounded me with your endless
love/I will love you for the earth at my feet, I will love you
for the sun in the sky, I will love you for the falling rain/I
will cross the ocean for you, I will go and bring you the
moon, I will be your hero your strength, everything you
need/When summer burns with heat i always get the hots for
you, go skinny dipping in the ocean like we used to do./Spread
your wings and prepare to fly, for you will become a
butterfly/Let's don't wait till the water runs dry, we may
watch our lives pass us by, let's don't wait till the water
runs dry, we'll make the biggest mistake of our lives./ If you
tell me what all these songs have in common, i'll give you
something =)
Define rants. Tell me what the junction of two
orbicularis orises mean and i'll give you one!
Blah, Blah, and Blah.
Okay that's just sick...i'm never eating a tomatoe
3, 4, 5 ?
[Insert your own question here.]
OH boy my own questions! What do a purple telephone, a
cd player, 4 Boyz II Men cds, 9 mixed cds, an inflatable
chair, a butterball stuffed dog, a Hawiian necklace, a bear
necklace, a Harlem Globetrotters stuffie, a bottle of colonge,
a piano book of love music, everlasting care and love, hope
and encouragement, courage, and a mended heart have to do with
each other? They are all from the same cutie who's help made
my dreams come true.
NINH? =)
Nine inch nose hairs...ummm so what? It just comes to
prove my
friends are FREAKS! AHHH!!! how embarressing. J/k i really
love you guys.
If you had to name a soft drink...
poopy doopy, wouldja drink it?
If you were running for President...
There would be no such thing as long
distance phone calls. No such thing as calculus or SAT. No
such thing as tardies or that stupid Blue Ribbon status.
Smoking will be made illegal and all who are caught smoking
are to be punished by smoking 3 packs of cigarettes per minute
(known as aversion conditioning) until their lungs collaspe (aka
atelectaxis). Actually i'll like to be a heart surgeon and
help fix broken hearts.