Well... Tuesday, October 2, 2001
Here's the new layout... few things to fix...

Gonna have the left sidebar scroll down, so it doesn't seem like the site just dies after a page down...

And... you probably need Flash 5.0 for the left sidebar to work right... eh... yeah... alright... adios. =)

8 - Olivia Thursday, October 4, 2001
N/A ( )
Haha... I had a feeling it was too but just to make sure.... you not alone Caterina!! =D

7 - Cat Wednesday, October 3, 2001
N/A ( )
poopie... i shoulda known the spider thingie was ur do not enter thingie... o.o;;...

6 - Cat Wednesday, October 3, 2001
N/A ( )
yay!!! finally a new a layout!!! looks awesomes =)

5 - Suneet Wednesday, October 3, 2001
N/A ( )
Great stuff!

4 - Oliver Tuesday, October 2, 2001
[email protected] (IP Hidden )
Testing... =)

3 - Oliver Tuesday, October 2, 2001
[email protected] (IP Hidden )
Matt says you should write a story about him like how he wrote one about me... =)

2 - Wes Tuesday, October 2, 2001
N/A ( )
I like the new layout. It's good. Now if only Coconut comics had a new layout....dangit...But I will say no more now.

1 - Olivia Tuesday, October 2, 2001
N/A ( )
HOW CUTE!!!!!!! I love it!!!


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