Agh... Monday, November 19, 2001
First, something random that Andrew sent to me, that I found funny...

I hate him...

What the heck is this!?!??!

Run nfor your lives!!!!

oh... just Sarah...

and now, for the ritual sacrifice of crap...

I really despise this waste of oxygen and space... someday to make the world a better place he should commit suicide... die you stupid punk...

ok, i'll leave this page alone for now.

3 - Brook Thursday, November 22, 2001
N/A ( )
The only time i saw five iron was when my glasses were covered in "festival gunk" from a long weekend of music festival fun...and they all looked fat!

2 - Chad Tuesday, November 20, 2001
[email protected] ( )
Five Iron eh? =)

1 - Olivia Monday, November 19, 2001
N/A ( )
The facial expression Sarah has on her face reminded me of a facial expression I once saw in a picture of Jeff the Girl in Five Iron...


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