LOSER! =D Wednesday, December 19, 2001
HAHA... okay.. this is so FUNNY... go here ... and AFTER you look at that... go HERE.

HAHA, sorry... that second guy goes to my church and he was just makin fun of the poor kid... i had a good laugh over it... =)

3 - Olivia Wednesday, December 19, 2001
N/A ( )
It's FREAKY... but it's so FUNNY... kinda sad tho that some 11 year old would do that O.o if it's even real O.o...

2 - Nancy Wednesday, December 19, 2001
N/A ( )
I hate that website..it freaks me out. But yeah, it is kinda funny...

1 - CHristine Wednesday, December 19, 2001
N/A ( )
hahaha, who is that kid?


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