Wessomatika: Hey hey!
MixiPixiStix: hey
MixiPixiStix: hows it going?
Wessomatika: Wretchedly
MixiPixiStix: how come?
Wessomatika: Because I wanted to say that rather than being conventional
MixiPixiStix: lol ah,
MixiPixiStix: so not really going wretched?
Wessomatika: not particularly
MixiPixiStix: thats good,
MixiPixiStix: whats ne?
Wessomatika: Eh....I think it's neon
MixiPixiStix: *new
Wessomatika: Good ol' noble gas
MixiPixiStix: yup, without it, where would vegas be
Wessomatika: I think they would be....*giggle* in the dark!!!!
MixiPixiStix: true true
Wessomatika: ROFLMRAO
MixiPixiStix: whats the last R stand for?
MixiPixiStix: rumpy?
Wessomatika: Heh...
Wessomatika: "Right Arm"
MixiPixiStix: oooh, my bad
Wessomatika: Yes, you fool
MixiPixiStix: i feel so demeaned now
Wessomatika: As well you should
Wessomatika: After all, you DO have your face...
MixiPixiStix: and whats that supposed to mean, you with your face resembling a used latrine?!
Wessomatika: Not as bad as your inside of a rhino's butt face!!!
MixiPixiStix: hey! Many people have told me that the inside of a rhino's butt is quite nice!!
MixiPixiStix: And why wouldnt it be?
Wessomatika: I'm not sure...I was actually....eh...complementing you?
MixiPixiStix: oh, hey, sorry, the not as bad thing threw me off
MixiPixiStix: because i was certainly not complimenting you
Wessomatika: Yeah, it throws off most people
MixiPixiStix: I guess its just my point of view you know
Wessomatika: Actually, I find used latrines to be very artful pieces of....eh.....art....
Wessomatika: I enjoy writing my name with pee on them
MixiPixiStix: oh... you're one of them
MixiPixiStix: I say, you do not understand the meaning of art!
Wessomatika: Yes...I suppose I am...
MixiPixiStix: art is random colors and lines put on a canvas with absolutely no distinguishing pattern!!! Not on a latrine!!
Wessomatika: Oh. I had forgotten. Wait, why can't I just pee on canvas?
MixiPixiStix: you could! But you said that latrines were art! now if it was a latrine drawn with say an extra breast, on a canvas, then it would be art!
Wessomatika: HEY!!!
Wessomatika: We could call it abstract!
MixiPixiStix: Yes!! And then we could sell it to high dealing art galleries!
MixiPixiStix: And we could dress in maroon and green tuxedos
Wessomatika: AWESOME!!!
MixiPixiStix: and make people refer to us as sir!
Wessomatika: And we could grow stupid little mustaches!
MixiPixiStix: And then, if we got really bored, we could chop off a limb!
Wessomatika: And Wear barets!
MixiPixiStix: Yes! YES we could do that!
MixiPixiStix: maybe not a limb... a nose or an ear maybe...
Wessomatika: Yeah...you kind of need limps
Wessomatika: limbs*
MixiPixiStix: And when we died, we'd be remembered forever, as the "true artists of the 21st century"
Wessomatika: But I don't see a use for ears
Wessomatika: yep
MixiPixiStix: me either... who needs to hear the critics anyway?
Wessomatika: yeah
MixiPixiStix: well me needs must go, but methinks me will display this on the world of oliverweb, so that the demeaning peasant folk of this world, can bask in our brilliance!