15 years ago, a child was born. Her name was... SARAH (Stupid. As. Real. Aggies. Hah.). This page is dedicated to the remembrance on that event, which led to many many... many tragic events.
At the
age of two, this is what Sarah looked like. Not much has
changed, as you can see. In a few years after this photo
was taken, Sarah began work on her evil plan to take over
the world.
Sarah would buy every toilet cover in the world. Every toilet cover making company, every toilet cover patent, everything relating to a toilet cover. Soon, every toilet cover in the world would disappear. Total chaos would ensue. Oh yes, the males of the human race would not care, but the females... Oh the females! The woman-folk would riot. Couples would argue over and over again about trying to close the toilet seat cover. But... alas! There were NO MORE TOILET COVERS!