Eventually, another world power grew. Oliver Wong, conquerer of Microsoft Corporation became El Minix's and Sarah's arch enemy for world domination. Oliver's Wyndoes XX machines battled Minix's Batman action figures and Sarah's killer toilet covers. Eventually, the Windows XX machines were overpowered... but then... Oliver unleashed the powerful Off-Ice 2000 class machines. The toilet covers and Batmans could not withstand the power of the Off-Ice machines, so they lost.



Okay, I AM just kidding here. You got that, right? You better have... unless if you're blonde... oh... Sarah... and Minix... you're blonde, aren't you? Ahh.. ok, let me explain.

I was joking.

One more time?

I was kidding.

Still didn't get it?

Okay.. I was just joking around.

Ah, ok... got it into your head =)
